Cosentino education blog

Using technology and other education techniques to create strong capable leaders for the future


Screen Shot 2016-08-20 at 3.35.56 PMThis is a screen shot of my Facebook page that I created as a class website. I decided not to use it though in favor of an Edmodo website. You can check that out as well below, and you can see why I chose Edmodo over Facebook!


Screen Shot 2016-08-20 at 3.36.44 PMThis is the screenshot of my Edmodo class website. It offers more professionalism and more organization than does Facebook as you can see. It also has more useful resources for the teacher and students.

Screen Shot 2016-08-20 at 3.52.09 PMThis is a screenshot of my Diigo account home page. As you can see I bookmark a lot of education based resources. However, if you look closely at my tags on the left side, I also bookmark other sites such as yoga studios and wedding websites that I want to refer back to. The great thing is, that all of these stay separate and organized!


Screen Shot 2016-08-20 at 3.58.14 PMHere is a screenshot of my “The teaching life” Pinterest board. While students won’t really use this site in your classroom, I have found more ideas for aesthetics on Pinterest than anywhere else. Our grade level theme is Finding Dory this year, so our hallway bulletin board was based on the quote you see on the top left. My Reading Classroom theme is Dr. Seuss, based on the quote, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go!” I used all kinds of quotes round my classroom, the “Hats off to great work” is now a bulletin board in my class, and there are so many other great ideas. If you love classroom aesthetics, like I do, then use Pinterest!